Thursday, April 19, 2007

Bashab School

Sent March 21, 2007

We recently delivered 50 soccer balls and a bag full of t-shirts to a school where they don't like us too much. The school hours are boys from 9-11 and girls from 12-2. The principle stood at the gate with a 4 ft long stick beating away the other kids trying to get in. They go to school 4 days a week Mon-Thurs. Friday every one spends the day praying in the mosque and saturday and sunday only a few people work.

Also, two weeks ago the villagers of one of our towns stood up against a terrorist cell leader and killed him unfortuanatly at the cost to some of the villagers too. Since then there have been less attacks as the terrorist cell is fighting over who will be the next leader as well as running and hiding from us constantly. This is a great news story that happens quite frequently in Iraq but you never hear about it back home.